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Do you love taking care of cats and dogs that don't have their forever homes yet?  Volunteer at your local animal shelter. 


Do you love to bake?  At your next soccer game or track meet bring some vegan chocolate chip cookies (make sure to always use non animal products while helping animals in need) and have a bake sale.  Make a sign that says all proceeds will go to help an animal sanctuary of your choice. 


Are you a really good artist or creative writer?  Write and illustrate your own book about an animal you love in need and print it so people can read your book and become educated about the plight of your animal.


These are just a few ideas.  Brainstorm with a parent or 

friend and think of an amazing way to help animals in 




​Ideas to help animals in need 

     Help make a difference and make your plan today to help animals in need! 


Use this questionnaire to help you get started helping animals in need!


1.  What animal(s) do you want to help?


2.  How will you help this animal in need?


3. Make a list of supplies you will need to accomplish      your goal.


4.  Set your goal into action.  


5.  If you need help, meet with your KHA representative at your school.  If you are interested in being a KHA representative for your school,

contact for more info. 


Be empowered! A kind, caring kid like yourself can make a huge difference and help animals in need.



  Below is a list of TRUSTED Animal Sanctuaries that you can help.  

Heidi, the founder of KHA, has volunteered at all the

sanctuaries below therefore can recommend them. There

are hundreds more animal sanctuaries throughout the

world that you can support. Make sure you do your

research to insure that you are helping a trusted animal

sanctuary where they are always kind to the animals. 


Bears -Bear League, Tahoe City, CA

Cows-Farm Sanctuary, Orland, CA

Dogs -Pet Network, Incline Village, NV

Elephants - Elephant Nature Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Goats - Boo Boo Zoo, Maui, HI

Horses - Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Kanab, Ut

Koalas - Koala Hospital, Port Macquarie, Australia

Monkeys - PETA, Los Angeles, CA

Pigeons - MickaCoo Pigeon and Dove Rescue, San Francisco, CA

Rabbits - Animal Place, Grass Valley, CA

Sea Turtles - Sea Turtles Forever,  Punta Pargos, Costa Rica

Tigers - Paws, Galt, CA

Wolves - Animal Ark, Reno, NV

Tahoe Truckee Earth Day - Squaw Valley, CA

© 2013 Kids Helpnig Animals                                               Website managed by compassionate KIDS who want to help animals in need 

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