Kids and the Animals they have Helped
[Click on a photo for more info]
After you've completed your goal and helped an animal or animals in need, email your photo to heidiveg@hotmail.com and explain how you helped animals. Your photo, first name and how you helped animals will be uploaded to the website and you can proudly share your accomplishments with your family and friends. Parent consent needed to upload your photo.

Maizy and her friends delivered 6 giant zip lock bags full of dog treats they baked to the doggies living at the Humane Society in Truckee! Yay for Kids Helping Animals and Maizy!

Tyler and his friends visited the Humane Society on a KHA Field Trip to give the doggies the biscuits they made, and they got to see bunnies, guniea pigs, kittens, and dogs.

Preschoolers hard at work baking dog biscuits for the homeless dogs.

Preschoolers hard at work baking dog biscuits for homeless dogs.

Getting to feed the dogs the biscuits they made was the best!

The doggies say woof you to all the preschoolers that helped bake biscuits for them. Woof Woof!

These cuties went to the Humane Society to deliver 200 vegan dog biscuits to the doggies waiting for their forever homes. Yay and Yum for the doggies and kids.

Thank you for having us Truckee-Tahoe Humane Society. We love visiting and helping the animals there.

These cats had a blast playing with the kids and the homemade cat toys the kids made at home for them.

Team Leaders, little Koh and Evs getting ready to head on a field trip to the Humane Society to give almost 200 dog biscuits away to the doggies there.

Nora having fun making lots and lots of dog biscuits for the doggies waiting for their forever homes at the shelter.

All these kids helped to bake lots of dog biscuits for the doggies at the Humane Society in Truckee.

There’s going to be some very happy dogs at the shelter next week! KHA has been busy at work in our local preschools helping kind kids bake vegan dog biscuits to give to the dogs at the Humane Society in Truckee.

Petra busy at preschool rolling out the dough to make dog treats for the homeless doggies at our local shelter.

Cole helped make dog biscuits at his preschool for the shelter dogs living at the Humane Society.

These two helped to bake over 100 dog treats to give to the shelter dogs.

These two cuties are busy making dog treats for the homeless dogs living at the Humane Society.

Tenya's perfect dog treat made especially for homeless dogs living at the shelter awaiting their forever homes.

The shelter doggies will be so excited to eat the dog treats Max made!

Kids Helping Animals is baking vegan dog biscuits with TCNS students.

Who says goats can't smile! They sure can, especially when sweet girls like Heidi are giving them hugs.

Don't worry this goat was not harmed in the taking of this photo - maybe just a little baby drool along with a lot of love.

Heidi attended KHA field trip to Piping Rock and had a blast with all the animals!

Kohven loves the goats...or mostly loves the goat's horns!