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Kids Helping Animals (KHA) is a 501 (c) (3) charitable, non profit organization that supports and encourages kids who want to help animals in need. This website is designed to acknowldege compassionate kids and showcase what they have done to help animals in need.  Kids empowered to believe they can make a difference, can change the world for the better!  KHA supports kids and their creative, inspiring ways in which they choose to help animals. Animals all over the world are treated poorly and are becoming extinct and kids like you can help them. 


Kids like you can make a difference. Its easy! Take a hobby you love and an animal you care about and make a plan.  


For example, Mary Jane, a Team member at KHA, helped rescue a lost, starving racing pigeon.  She learned about the inhumane treatment of racing pigeons and used her artistic and creative writing talents to illustrate and write a book to bring attention to their plight. Her book was showcased at a huge Pet Expo event!


Rowan, also a Team member at KHA, was concerned about all the dogs and cats in the animal shelter who didn't have their forever homes yet. She went every Tuesday after school to volunteer her time and love and care for them. 


What are you going to do? Set a goal, think of an idea and put it into action to help the animals!


                        Scroll down for more info 


Kids can make a difference helping animals in need.  Kids can do anything, YES INDEED! 
​                          Kids Helping Animals TEAM


HEIDI loves animals and teaching children!  She has a teaching credential and a Master's Degree in Humane Education and has shared her passion to help animals in need with kids for over 20 years. She is honored and excited to watch as children become empowered and realize they can make a difference in the lives of animals in need.(Executive Director contact info:


SCOTT has cared about the environment for many years.  He realized that loving and caring about animals is the number one thing he can do to help the environment as well as the animals. 


MARY JANE, a compassionate 11th grader leads the way at her school by inspiring her schoolmates to help animals in need. She has loved animals since before she could talk!


ROWAN and Scarlett, kind, caring 8th graders promote humane education at their local school.


Evalyse and Kohven, sweet, kind toddlers, ages 4 and 3 years old volunteer their time by helping and loving animals in need. 


HULA, age 17 1/2,  is our favorite, furry team member who unconditionally loves us all the time!  (R.I.P. our sweet Hula)


                     Mary Jane                                                         Rowan                                                    Scarlett 

          Evalyse and Kohven                                    Heidi         and         Scott                                               Hula 


2014 summer pool party celebration for all the kids who helped animals in need this year!


2016 Kids Helping Animals Pool Party FUN!

Our 2017 KHA pool party was a SPLASH!

Our 2018 Kids Helping Animals Pool Party was a SLIDING success!

KIDS HELPING ANIMALS HAS SET EVENTS AND FIELD TRIPS EACH YEAR. All kind kids who volunteer for KHA can receive community service hours for school. 

*September  - Annual Pool Party at Old Greenwood Pool celebrating all the kids who have helped animals in need. 

*September - KHA takes a field trip to Piping Rock Equestrian Center.  Here the kids can interact with chickens, pigs, goats, donkeys, sheep, horses and llamas and form a connection with animals that they might not be able to experience in their every day lives.  

*October - KHA visits various local schools and bakes vegan dog biscuits with the kids to give to the dogs waiting for their forever homes at the Humane Society in Truckee. 

*October - KHA takes a field trip to the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe and the kids get to hand feed the vegan dog biscuits they made to the dogs at the shelter.  The kids also spend time giving love to the cats by petting them and/ or playing with them with the handmade cat toys they made. 


*Monthly - [This above event happens frequently with smaller groups of children throughout the year as well.  We also visit the dogs and cats at Pet Network in Incline Village, NV]

*Monthly - We visit the local shelters and give love to all the dogs and cats while they await their big day when someday they will be adopted and have a forever home.  

*November - KHA heads to Animal Place Sanctuary in Grass Valley every November to enjoy a delicious vegan Thanksgiving and spend time with all the farm animals who were saved and will now will get to live out their lives in peace at Animal Place. Visit to sign up for their vegan Thanksgiving celebration and join us there. 

*April - KHA's biggest event is in April.  We pass out 2000 free vegan chocolate chip cookies at our local Earth Day Festival.  Kids of all ages are welcome to volunteer and spread the word that eating vegan is not only yummy but a vegan diet also helps the environment and saves the animals. Every year for 12 years we have had a booth at the Tahoe Truckee Earth Day Festival in Squaw Valley and every year, all our cookies are eaten by the festival goers who excitedly exclaim how good our vegan cookies taste! This is a fun event to expose your child to volunteering and let them know they can make a difference in the world no matter what age. 

*Summer:  All summer long - Lemonade stands!  Vegan lemon cookies, vegan bake sales - all proceeds get donated to the animal in need that the child chooses to help. 

© 2013 Kids Helpnig Animals                                               Website managed by compassionate KIDS who want to help animals in need 

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